
In order to make Gazi University an institution where disciplines working in the field of brain sciences will interact, and to ensure that brain sciences researches within the university and faculty work within an institutional framework; Gazi University Neuropsychiatry Education Research and Application Center was established with the regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 26145 on April 20, 2006. The activities of the center since its establishment are in harmony with the Gazi University Strategic Plan.

The unit has the physical and technical infrastructure that it can use. The center does not have permanent academic and administrative staff. Inst. See. Elif Gülçiçek Abbasoğlu Topa has been working at our center with a 13/b-4 assignment since March 2017. The current research activities of the unit are in line with its stated objectives. Annual reports and the number of published articles in their content, the number of thesis completed, the number of posters presented, the number of citations to the publications and the awards are evaluated.

The request of the Center to conduct an interdisciplinary doctoral program in the field of neuroscience was sent to the Council of Higher Education with the written proposal of Gazi University Rectorate dated 06/12/2006 and numbered B. 30.2.GÜN. It was reviewed and approved at the General Assembly meeting of the Company dated 22/12/2006, and reported with the letter numbered B.30.0.EÖB. 4336 and dated 28.12.2006/032569.

Upon this approval, the Center has been running the neuroscience doctorate program in the neuroscience department established within the Health Sciences Institute since the spring semester of the 2006-2007 academic year. Neuroscience laboratories within the center are used for applied courses and research purposes. Currently, 17 doctoral students continue their education in the Neuroscience PhD program. Theoretical courses of the doctoral program, laboratory techniques courses, weekly laboratory meetings, research and doctoral theses are held in the Neuroscience Laboratory.

The purpose of the program; By providing cooperation and coordination between biological, psychological, medical and social science disciplines related to brain functions and disorders, human beings who can conduct clinical and experimental national and international research on the etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment options of diseases that cause brain dysfunction, and develop new treatment applications. is to build strength. It is aimed to develop animal models that will allow the understanding of the mechanisms that mediate the pathophysiology of the brain and the pathophysiology of diseases, which will be considered together with their clinical suitability, and to bring neuroscience subjects to future academics as a whole. It is aimed to investigate the functions of mind in a wide range from molecular level to philosophical level and to carry out this process with an interdisciplinary approach. In this way, it will be possible to find a solution to the brain-mind problematic with an integrative approach instead of reductionist approaches.


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